I stumbled upon when he said "take 3 more I give you discount!" .. and then threw this dvd upon me. "This one good, some say true story. This last copy. Faster take la".
The movie is based on a true story about a predominantly black soldier regiment during the World War 2. The 92nd Buffalo Soldier Division who are stationed in Tuscany, Italy are ambushed while trying to cross over to the German side of the river.
4 members of that division make it across. Stamps, Negron, Bishop and Train; each with a different perspective on the war.
Stamps is your leader and naturally the one who is up tight and wants things done right. Bishop couldn't give a crap about the war and just wants to go home. Alive.

Negron is the Puerto Rican communications officer and Train is a big giant who is carrying an Italian statue head for good luck.
The four befriend a young Italian boy on the run and end up in a village where the rest of the story plays out. Telling you more would ruin the story.
Valentina Cervi plays the only notable female role in the movie if you were wondering if there were any eye-candy.

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